Supervision and Practice Building

Supervision and Practice Building2025-03-09T11:17:18-05:00

Clinical Supervision

(For Private Practice Coaching, Please Scroll Down)

I no longer provide Clinical Supervision. Please check the Clinical Supervision pg. of my web site for a list of about 20 colleagues who are available for supervision.

Practice Coaching

Coaching for an Ethical Successful Private Practice

Private Practice Coaching PhiladelphiaTherapists new to private practice, those who are struggling, counselors who wish to grow, expand, or upgrade their practice model, or counselors looking to leave the managed care world and/or offer private fee services are my ideal coaching clients.

I also coach therapists looking to leverage their skill set in the corporate or business world in areas related to organizational effectiveness. (see cred in that area below and here)

I’ve experienced the ebbs and flows of establishing a private practice and so am grounded in the process of actually doing this part of the work.

I can be your guide on that journey.

There are plenty of outstanding private practice coaches with all the bells and whistles. Many excel if you are looking to be a social media ninja or nationally known expert. Some are outstanding coaches and this is all they do. Their skills as coaches, especially in areas that are techie, are noteworthy.

Countless webinars are available to help with the nuts and bolts or for therapists who learn best using daily or weekly email programs.

We each need something specific, however, for our personal private practice vision, style, journey, and reality.

My approach is designed for therapists who want to grow a successful full fee solo practice with good fit clients whom you can help but prefer a more low key marketing approach.

Practical. No promises of people lining up at your door.

No fear based upselling, “secrets”, or “sales funnels” with the goal to get you to sign up for endless webinars or coaching programs.

No advice from someone with over the top claims and who may not even have a real practice of their own.

I’ve done this.


  • These coaching sessions are for new or experienced therapists looking for down to earth, genuine, targeted suggestions.
  • Coaching sessions are designed to help you build or grow a quality, ethical, and successful private counseling practice without being on insurance panels.
  • My niche is ideal for you if you wish to transition from an insurance based to a private fee model

Deb’s Cred

After my first two years of struggling I was able to transition off insurance panels that I had participated in part time for my first 3 years. For the last 9+ yrs. I’ve maintained an insurance free full capacity private practice in the Chestnut Hill section of Philadelphia and virtually, with wonderful good fit clients who get positive traction and outcomes in treatment.

This translates for me into outstanding and emotionally rewarding work and as a biz owner into financially robust results.

I like variety.

I facilitated a full clinical supervision group for 10 years and held contracts with corporations including Fortune 100 companies. I’ve provided training, consultation, and team building at agencies and mental health and addiction treatment programs e.g.

Acadia Health System, Brook Glen Behavioral Health, Family Services, University of Pennsylvania, Caron, Belmont, University of Pennsylvania Health System, and Rehab After Work.

I currently conduct executive coaching and previuosly provided training, consultation, team experiences, leadership retreats, and crises response at large and mid-size corporations including Fortune 100 companies such as

3M, Astra Zeneca, Merrill Lynch, Johnson & Johnson, Prudential, American Red Cross, Glaxo, Morgan Stanley, US Water, Mellon Financial, and Towers Perrin as well as with small or family run businesses.

You in Private Practice

Private Practice CoachingMaybe you don’t see yourself spending endless hrs. running around in real life or on-line. Not everyone is comfortable showing up at a Physician’s office with brochures and food. Or spending excessive hours marketing a practice on social media with questionable results.

You may be the type of therapist that prefers straightforward laser like coaching that meets your unique needs exactly where you are in this process.

Is this you?

A Gentler Un-Marketing (is that a word?) Focus to include:

  • On-line presence, defining and highlighting your niche, fee arrangements, SEO basics, suggestions for any tech help that are based solely on my personal recommendation not quid pro quo, kickback, or affiliate fees.
  • How to Blog to attract good fit clients even if you are too busy and don’t have time or a natural inclination for it.
  • How to manage private practice anxiety and develop an attitude of positive expectation. That isn’t as simple as it sounds.
  • Attracting and retaining good fit clients who will do well in your practice.

Investment- by phone, in person, or online:

  • 55 min. coaching session: $350.
  • 2 hr. deep dive consult/coaching session $650.
  • Packages of three 50 min. private practice coaching sessions $995. Most spread these out over a few months to maximize their usefulness.
  • 15 min. accountability check in: $195.  Tax deductible, of course.

If you a ready to start, grow, or upgrade your private practice:
Contact me at 215-802-6521 or or use the contact form below to get started.

Deb Owens shares her private practice journey. Featured on:

Deb Owens Selling the Coach

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