5 Years of Working Around Holidays in Private Practice in 1 min.

Clinical Supervision Philadelphia

Year 1: If anyone wants to come in that Friday, of course I’ll be there.

Year 2: Gee last year most people cancelled, still better to be there than lose income.

Year 3: Hmm maybe I should ask clients if they really think they’ll come. Still 2 of 4 cancel.

Year 4: Ok I’ll offer a few slots in the am for those who can commit. Repeat above.

Year 5: Hey everyone, I’m taking off that day.


Deb Owens, LPC has a private practice in Chestnut Hill, PA, near Philadelphia suburbs, specializing in couples therapy, anxiety, executive coaching, and those effected by a loved one’s substance use. She conducts targeted private practice coaching and facilitates a monthly clinical supervision group. 215-802-6521 www.debowens.com   Deb Owens Licensed Counselor